Art Workshops are Good for the Soul

I recently attended a MassArt New England (MANE) weeklong workshop at Keene State College. Taking an art workshop can be good for the soul. Whether it’s learning a new technique, working in a new medium, or taking a deep dive with a favorite material, getting out of the studio, meeting new people and spending all… Continue reading Art Workshops are Good for the Soul

Creating a New Body of Work

How does an artist develop a new body of work? It often begins with a kernel of an idea. A spark. Back in 2020, I was feeling disconnected from my community. As were many of us during the pandemic. I had this idea that one way to re-connect was to research something historical about my… Continue reading Creating a New Body of Work

To Begin Again

I first heard the phrase “always we begin again” several years ago. I was taking a spiritual based class and the instructor introduced this phrase. It is attributed to St. Benedict, specifically from his guide known as Benedict’s Rule. These words remind us that we are always starting anew. That there are opportunities for new… Continue reading To Begin Again